Economic Rehabilitation for a Business

A person with a disability degree of 20% or over who would like to set up a business for purposes of rehabilitation, and who has not received funding of studies from the National Insurance Institute, may be entitled to assistance for setting up a new business or strengthening an existing business.

To receive this assistance, he or she must submit to the rehabilitation officier a business plan including the purpose of the business, available financial means and additional data. The rehabilitation officier will examine the feasibility of the business as well as the person's ability to run it. In this examination he will consult with a special committee composed of professionals such as economists and psychologists. 

The business must be realistic economically (to serve as a source of income) and appropriate for the capabilities, knowledge and physical limitations of the disabled person, as well as for his ability to provide self-financing beyond the financial means potentially brought by the NII. The NII's financial assistance is very limited and granted as a loan whose amount is determined according to the person's disability degree, by decision of the Rehabilitation Committee. The rate of monthly installments for repayment of the loan is also determined by the Committee, in accordance with each particular case.